Transition Project

Transitions in rehabilitation: Rehabilitation process of patients with traumatic brain injury and stroke and their caregivers and knowledge use in professional practices and the interdisciplinary and inter-organizational cooperation in health and rehabilitation services in Norway and Denmark.


Key topics included in the “Transition project”:

Clinical pathways:

  • Patients self-understanding and identity work, as a contribution to maintain an autobiography.
  • Patients’ strategies and the use of capitals in the meeting with stakeholders in the welfare state that has significance for the outcome of the rehabilitation program.
  • Patient self-activity, negotiation and experience of influence on the rehabilitation process.


  • Family Strategies and use of capitals in the rehabilitation process, including when they interact with the professions.
  • Family members’ role as informal caregivers and support persons for the injured person, and how it affects their quality of life, work, etc.
  • Differences between relatives relationship (daughter / son, spouse, mother / father etc.) To the patient, and its importance for the outcome of the rehabilitation program.
  • Patient progression across professions , organizations and sectors

Professionals in the institutions of the Welfare State:

  • Interprofessional decisions in the three phases  of the rehabilitation process, with a focus on strategies, forms of capital, domination and different knowledge and forms of knowledge represented by the different professions.
  • The professionals’ use of evidence-based knowledge and user involvement in the professional work.
  • The institutions and the professionals’ compensation in cases where the patient and the relatives only have limited resources to draw on.
  • Use of knowledge in professional practice.
  • User Involvement and relationships between patients and professionals.


  • The transitions within and between departments, institutions and sectors and “handover” of patients and the challenges involved.
  • Inter-professional and interorganizational coordination in patient interaction and rehabilitation course

Responsible institution:

Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)

Partners in Norway:

Oslo University and Sunnaas hospital

Partners in Denmark:

  • Aalborg University
  • Region Hospitals: Hammel Neurocenter and Glostrup Hospital

Project manager:

Tone Alm Andreassen


Tone Alm Andreassen, HOV program



Link to the Norwegian Transition Project: