The Danish Participants

The below particpants’ current contribution to the Phlegethon network is listed in the link:
The Phlegethon participants current contribution

An overview of the different research focus areas of the below researchers is to be found in the following link:
Overview of the Danish participants different research focus areas

The University Hospitals Centre for Health Research, Copenhagen

kristian larsen




Kristian Larsen:
Research Leader of the Phlegethon network. Professor at The University Hospitals Centre for Health Research.





Anette Lykke Hindhede:
Associate Professor, Department of Learning and Philosophy,

Nicolas Tristan Munk





Nicolas Tristan Munk : Ph.d. student at UCSF. Public Health and Epidemiology. Master of Learning & Innovative change





Mette Rørth: Research assistant. Cand.scient.san.publ 

Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Karin Højbjerg




Karin Højbjerg: Associate professor, Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University

Ingrid Poulsen: sygeplejerske, professor i klinisk sygepleje, Amager Hvidovre Hospital & Roskilde Universitet 

Rikke Guldager




Rikke Guldager:
 Ph.d. student at AAU in Copenhagen. Master of Science, MSe (nursing)

Hammel Neurorehabilitation and ResearchCentre

Lena Aadal




Lena Aadal: Head of Clinical Nursing Research, Hammel Neurorehabilitation and research Centre

Metropolitan University College

Niels Sandholm




Niels Sandholm Larsen: Senior Lecturer, Metropolitan University College, Department of Nursing

Iben Husted Nielsen




Iben Husted Nielsen: Assistant Professor, Metropolitan University College, Department of Nursing

VIA University College




Helle Rønn Smidt: Ph.d. student, VIA University College, Centre for Health, Rehabilitation and Health Technology

Bispebjerg Hospital, Neurological department

Hana Malá Rytter




Hana Malá Rytter: Associate Professor in Cognitive Neuropsychology, Dept. of Psychology, UCPH

Secretary / coordinator:

Mette Ryssel Bystrup_beskåret




Mette Ryssel Bystrup: Master of Educational Sociology, Ph.d. student, Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University and Hammel Neurorehabilitation and research Centre